Simon Alber wood workshop


Business Customer Portal

Does your company process, design or trade in wood? Then register as a business customer and benefit from many advantages.

terrace planner

Create complete offers with installation plans and accessories in accordance with the technical regulations in just a few minutes.


Find assembly instructions, data sheets and tender texts in our clearly laid out download area.

live inventory

Plan your project with our inventory, always up to date and with exact quantities.

Your advantages as a registered business customer

Unique range

Many of our woods can only be found with us - such as our certified ones Teak decking and construction timbers from the most durable woods in the world.

Sustainable Teak Betterwood Teak

Consistently sustainable

We only include certified wood in our range, where we know the forest and origin. Here's how you can join sustainable origin advertise.

Individual terrace planning

Use ours terrace planner and you will receive a complete offer with an installation plan and a calculation of the accessories.

terrace planner
Terrace planner professional terrace builder
Cumaru decking boards 120mm, Holzterrasse Berlin

New customers

As a registered business customer, we provide you with new customers who are looking for a terrace builder let us know if you wish.

Exclusive conditions

As a registered business customer, benefit from reduced prices – no minimum order quantity and directly discounted in our shop.

Betterwood price list resellers
Betterwood Warehouse Drolshagen

Large stocks

In our Camp near Olpe (NRW) we store over 50.000 square meters of terrace wood. Pick-up is also possible. ours current inventory can be found online.


Short lead times

We deliver stock items within seven working days. Europe-wide shipping is possible. And direct trips can be scheduled to the exact day.

Shipping wooden deck

Free hand samples

You will receive free from us wood pattern and promotional material so that your customers can get an idea of ​​the material.

Our experts

Our experts know our wood and its properties. Benefit from our knowledge and plan your project with yours personal contact.

Team Betterwood Business Customers