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Our recommendation: decking boards

If you want to lay wood that is as long as possible, there is no way around the decking boards. The preparation of the previously unpaved ground will take some work, but this is also the case with the alternative products. The relatively simple shape of your patio will reduce waste and costs.

floorboards Elements Tiles
laying on earth
long floorboards

Overview of the criteria

Incidentally, the second best choice would be the terrace elements, which, however, are available in maximum lengths of 300 cm. Wooden tiles seem rather unsuitable because of the unpaved subsoil.

And what happens now?

Next you can use our Decision-making aid for decking boards determine the right type of wood for your wooden terrace. After that you should our Deck planner for decking boards with which you will receive a laying plan and the right offer for your terrace.

find wood species patio planner Floorboards in the shop