Solid wood floorboards can be sanded down very often and are therefore particularly durable. Laminate cannot be sanded and ready-made parquet only down to the wear layer.
A parquet floor can get dents and dark spots due to heels on shoes and dirt on the soles of shoes carried into the apartment. However, these problems can be solved by sanding down the parquet floor.
It is important to note that multi-layer parquet cannot be sanded down to any desired depth. The real wood layer is usually between 2,5 and 6mm thick. Below that, grinding is no longer possible.
Solid wood parquet is usually 15mm thick and can be sanded down more often and without hesitation.
How do you do it?
Up to a millimeter is often removed by sanding to remove quirks in the wood and the old layer of paint. You should be careful with the multi-layer parquet.
Disc or roller sanders are useful for large areas, while a side sander is suitable for the edges, under heaters and in corners. Both can be rented in hardware stores.
Fine wood dust is produced when sanding. You should definitely protect yourself from the fine dust with a face mask. In addition, in most cases, grinders have a collection system for the wood dust that is produced.
Two things should be considered during the sanding process: on the one hand, the device should be guided smoothly and evenly over the parquet so that there are no irregularities or hollows in the wood.
Secondly, in order to create a uniform structure, it is important not to change the grinding direction. When the grinder is in operation, it should never stand still, but always be guided calmly. Otherwise, a sink occurs at the point in question.
What to do with cracks
Especially with older parquet, it can happen that small cracks appear or gaps become free during sanding. But these can be improved. To do this, you can mix a paste from the abraded material and wax or varnish and fill in the areas. Such a wood paste is colorfast and the areas can usually no longer be discovered afterwards or are hardly noticeable.
In order to be able to sand off the old layer well, you should first carry out two sanding operations with a coarser grit. For a fine touch, it is best to use a 100 or 120 grit.