Building material wood

Wooden skyscraper instead of reinforced concrete

Chicago, Vienna, Tokyo: Record buildings made of wood are being planned or already assembled in cities around the world. The renewable building material is in trend and that has not only to do with idealism.

What is currently being built in Vienna is what is currently the tallest building, which was made primarily of wood. It has 24 floors and is 84 meters high. The building will open next summer. But Vienna will not remain the wood record holder for long. In Amsterdam the 130 meter high Oakwood Timber Tower 2 is to be built, in Chicago the River Beach Tower with a height of 228 meters and in Tokyo the 350 meter high residential tower W350 with 70 floors and planted trees is planned (in the picture above).

These prestige projects are only intended to be the forerunners for a long-term development towards more wood and less reinforced concrete on construction sites around the world.

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