Redesign Betterwood 2021

Betterwood gets a new design

We are constantly working on our homepage to make it better, faster and more beautiful. For January 2021, however, the big hit is coming up: Betterwood gets a completely revised design. It is clearer, more organized and leaves more space.

We decided on an open construction site: the design is not completely changed all at once, but a few pages are refreshed every day. Many pages have already been revised: starts with a page-filling image and buttons for quick navigation. Below you will find a summary text and a short description of the decking boards. Then the background information follows.

Ours are also already appearing in the new design terrace plannerours Contact, many product overviews (such as the page of the Wooden tiles) and our customer galleries.

However, most of the work is still ahead of us: the revision of the advice, the wood lexicon and the environmental pages – around 300 pages in total. The content of these sections should also be worked on. We take the feedback from our customers and revise the building instructions, for example. With “About Us” we are introducing a whole new section where you can find out more about us and our work.

The whole thing is done in an open process and should be completed early next year. So you may see pages in the new and old designs over the next few weeks. We hope that you can still find your way around.

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