Environment in the Betterwood blog
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Environment in the Betterwood blog
Tropical wood and environmental protection: How does that go together? In our blog posts on the subject of environment and nature, we report on sustainable forest management in the tropics and the latest developments in rainforest protection.
Deutsche Welle reports on Betterwood
A TV report about Betterwood was broadcast in over 160 countries - and we received many [...]
ZDF report about Betterwood
The ZDF report on Betterwood appears in the documentary series "Plan B" and will be broadcast on Saturday, [...]
Betterwood is a pilot company for deforestation-free supply chains
Betterwood is a pilot company for ELAN, a project for deforestation-free supply chains initiated by Oro Verde and the [...]
Our sustainability: What is important to you?
For our sustainability report, we would like to know: What is particularly important to you about our rainforest protection?
ZDF film team with Betterwood in Peru
A film team commissioned by ZDF accompanies our managing director Catherine Körting on her trip to South America.
How can the deforestation of the rainforest be stopped?
International treaties and agreements often fail to meet the targets in the fight against climate change. What influence [...]
Record losses in the Amazon region
Amazon rainforest loss peaks. Sustainable forest management offers an alternative to slash and burn.
FSC report on Betterwood
The FSC reports on Betterwood's extraordinary concept: "Sustainable tropical wood, sourced as directly and completely as possible [...]
Consumption of tropical wood important for the preservation of the rainforest
Preventing the deforestation of the rainforest by buying tropical wood? That sounds paradoxical at first [...]
Wirtschaftswoche reports on Betterwood
The rainforest is burning in the Amazon - how is the timber industry reacting? WirtschaftsWoche (WiWo) reports in [...]
Wooden skyscraper instead of reinforced concrete
Chicago, Vienna, Tokyo: In cities around the world, record-breaking wooden buildings are being planned or [...]