Environment » projects » Amazon Brazil
Bringing new life to the rainforest
The "lungs of the earth" are suffering from the consequences of illegal deforestation. This destruction is causing a significant ecological imbalance. This is exactly where the project comes in: to revitalize the deforested areas through targeted reforestation and thus restore the ecological balance.
Goal: Renew Brazil's green heart
The Amazon region is of invaluable ecological value and urgently needs to be protected. Rio Terra is entirely dedicated to reforestation. The efforts of this project are critical to preserving biodiversity and creating a place for Amazon's unique fauna. In addition, reforestation contributes to carbon sequestration and is carried out in accordance with the Brazilian Forestry Code.
The location: Rondônia – Brazil
We are heading to an important region of the Brazilian Amazon, the state of Rondônia. A crucial reforestation mission is unfolding here to revitalize local and global ecosystems. In the 1990s, only 2% of Rondônia's forests had been cut down. Today, the area destroyed is 28,5% - the highest rate of any Amazon state. This is exactly where Rio Terra comes in to bring about change.
Astronium urundeuva
Home of wild bees.
100 trees
planted by us
Huberodendron swietenioides
Grows up to 60 meters high.
250 trees
planted by us
Hymenaea courbaril
Fruits are an important source of nutrition.
50 trees
planted by us
over 93.000 trees
have so far been planted in the project by supporters
Our partner: Rioterra
Acts as an impact organization in the Amazon region Rioterra and seeks to bring together diverse actors to promote and implement sustainable solutions in the regional economy by 2030 aimed at reducing social vulnerabilities, combating climate change and protecting biodiversity.
Our sustainability
Sustainable forestry
Fair production
Climate neutral shipping
Direct Sales
Reforestation in Kenya
Reforestation in Indonesia
Reforestation in Brazil
Reforestation in the Amazon region
Coastal protection in Bolivia
Indigenous property rights
Agroforestry in Indonesia
Reforestation in Colombia
Reforestation in the Andes
Reforestation in Bolivia