Teak board 140 x 80cm, 18mm thick

Betterwood " Advisory » wooden panels » oils

Oil the wooden board

Oiling is a very gentle way of treating wood. Oils are often purely natural products. Oil is very easy to work with and emphasizes both the wood structure and color and gives the surface a natural and fresh look.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oil does not form a final layer on the wood. It remains breathable, but has to be re-oiled at regular intervals in order to remain as dirt-resistant as possible. Water should always be wiped off oiled surfaces immediately to avoid water stains. At the same time, scratches can be sanded and repaired locally before being oiled again - with significantly less effort than with painted surfaces.

Teak top 18mm finger-jointed

How a record is oiled

The oils are applied to the wood with a roller or brush until the worktop is wet-on-wet and no longer absorbs the oil. For this, the untreated wood must be clean, dust-free and dry. The excess oil is then massaged into the wood with a lint-free cotton cloth until the surface appears dry.

After approx. 24 hours, the worktop can be polished with a cotton cloth and the process can be repeated if necessary. The more layers of oil are applied, the greater the sealing of the plate. In total, no water should come onto the worktop for around two to three days until it is completely dry.

How often should the teak worktop be oiled after the first oiling? Depending on the level of use and in order to maintain the quality and appearance of the worktop, you should re-oil the worktop several times a year. As a rule of thumb, you can use the change of season as a guide.

Garapa Decking Pedestal

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Table of Contents


Working height kitchen
Exterior area
wood pattern


wood, stone or plastic
Solid wood, plywood or chipboard
best wood
finger joint


Treatment methods
teak care



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