BETTERWOOD " Environment

What we do

Protecting the rainforest with tropical timber trade – how is that supposed to work? Here you can find out more about our concept and which projects we support so that we can live up to this claim.


Sustainable, fair, climate-neutral and direct - this is how we achieve our goal: Best quality from sustainable sources at good prices


How do we work in our forests and sawmills - and where does the wood come from? Learn more here.


For every square meter of wood sold, we protect or reforest the same area of ​​forest. We succeed with these projects.

Rainforest protection through tropical timber trade

The challenge: stop the crowding out

The spread of industrial agriculture is the most important reason for the destruction of the rainforest. Forest areas are not destroyed because of the wood. It's about the area and profitable cultivation. Where there was forest a few years ago, there are now soya and corn plantations for animal feed or pasture for cattle breeding.

One solution: make the forest valuable

We believe that only responsible use can stop the displacement of the rainforest by industrial agriculture. The forest must once again become valuable and worthy of protection for the local people and be able to contribute to their livelihood. Controlled forest management can thus contribute to the protection of the rainforest. The video explains the principle of our work.

ZDF report about Betterwood

The ZDF documentary series Plan B aims to tell stories of success and present ideas for solutions to social problems. The report on Betterwood shows that forest management can contribute to the preservation of the tropical forest. ZDF writes in a press release: “Catherine Körting (…) found a way to contribute to the preservation of the rainforest while selling tropical wood.”

Environment on the blog

Deutsche Welle reports on Betterwood

A TV report about Betterwood was broadcast in over 160 countries - and we received many [...]

ZDF report about Betterwood

The ZDF report on Betterwood appears in the documentary series "Plan B" and will be broadcast on Saturday, [...]

Betterwood is a pilot company for deforestation-free supply chains

Betterwood is a pilot company for ELAN, a project for deforestation-free supply chains initiated by Oro Verde and the [...]

Our sustainability: What is important to you?

For our sustainability report, we would like to know: What is particularly important to you about our rainforest protection?

ZDF film team with Betterwood in Peru

A film team commissioned by ZDF accompanies our managing director Catherine Körting on her trip to South America.

How can the deforestation of the rainforest be stopped?

International treaties and agreements often fail to meet the targets in the fight against climate change. What influence [...]

Record losses in the Amazon region

Amazon rainforest loss peaks. Sustainable forest management offers an alternative to slash and burn.

FSC report on Betterwood

The FSC reports on Betterwood's extraordinary concept: "Sustainable tropical wood, sourced as directly and completely as possible [...]

Cumaru decking boards 90mm, Ibiza

Plan a wooden terrace now for free.

We will provide you with a laying plan and an offer with all the accessories and transport costs. We can also plan extras such as construction height or patio steps for you.

terrace planner

Our decking boards

from 6,10 
from 8,75 
from 11,50 
from 9,10