Berlin showroom
Rathenower Strasse 30
10559 Berlin / Germany
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m
Please visit Appointments.
Drolshagen camp
In the field 1
57489 Drolshagen
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m
Please visit Appointments.
FAQ - Answers to important questions
In this compilation you will find answers to important questions on the following topics:
Planning Quality Delivery Exchange and Complaintplanning and advice
You are welcome to send us a sketch of your planned terrace area. Make sure that all lines are dimensioned and you are welcome to draw in a preferred laying direction of the planks. Or you can use our patio planner: select a patio shape and enter the dimensions. Choose the type of wood and screw connection and we will send you a free, non-binding offer. You also have the option of sending us a sketch with the terrace planner.
terrace plannerWith our terrace calculator, the material requirements can be roughly calculated in square meters. This will give you an idea of how much floorboards, screws or substructure wood you need. We can provide you with a more precise offer based on area planning with the terrace planner or based on a sketch.
terrace planner terrace calculatorYes. Offers, laying plans and order confirmations must be understood and checked by you. Despite conscientious and experienced planning and calculation on our part, errors can occur due to the large number of offers. And of course you know the local situation best. Only with your help - by measuring, checking and thinking along - can our offer for your project be correct in the end. As soon as the order is running and you have received an order confirmation from us, we unfortunately cannot change much more and the additional work may have to be invoiced.
1. Ventilation: A wooden terrace should be well ventilated so that it can always dry well and is not permanently damp. The following are therefore decisive for the longevity of the terrace: the construction height of the terrace, the gaps between the floorboards and the distances to fixed structures, as well as additional ventilation in the case of facings.
2. Bolting distance of the planks: All terrace planks made of tropical wood should be screwed to a substructure at the beginning and end and at least every 50 cm. Otherwise, the risk of warping of the planks cannot be controlled.
3. Theory and practice: Even the best planning cannot foresee everything: House walls are rarely absolutely straight, decking has a swelling and shrinking behavior of up to +/-3mm and sometimes a small detail is not considered on site and only becomes apparent during construction. Every terrace construction can present unforeseen challenges and requires a talent for improvisation on site. We will also be happy to advise you during construction.
In our advice on wooden terrace construction you will find detailed instructions on how to professionally lay and build a terrace.
Lay terrace deckingDecking boards and substructure can be cut to the exact centimeter (not millimeter exact) on request outside of the season. There is a service fee per decking board or substructure piece, which we will be happy to inform you about on request. We are happy to offer you this service, but would like to point out that cutting is best done on site. Because only on site can you mark exactly how long a decking board can be and how much space is actually available. In the rarest of cases, for example, house walls are actually straight and they have to be trimmed anyway. You can only mark and cut accurately on site.
We can cut our wooden panels. It should be noted that the slats are partly connected to each other with flat dowels in addition to reinforcement. The flat dowel connections may be visible at the lateral interfaces and will be filled and smoothed by us with a wooden spatula.
Premium has established itself as a term in the German timber trade for the best sorting. FAS (first and second) is the international standard for best sorting. The wood quality indicates how low the proportion of quality-reducing features is in the product. With the best sorting, cracks and hollow knots may only occur to a very small extent on the A-side of the decking boards, but they cannot be ruled out.
In addition, as a natural raw material, every wood product is unique. Unlike industrially manufactured goods, no two decking boards are the same. Wood pattern, knots and color vary even with the same origin and type of wood. Please consider this when choosing the material. Find out more about the specific properties of the different types of wood and how they are laid professionally.
You can find out more about the quality of decking wood in our decking advice:
Decking qualityThe lifespan of a terrace basically depends on three factors. Firstly, the choice of wood, secondly the structural design and thirdly the use and weathering. Lifetime describes a period of time before structural damage occurs. It is normal for the wood to change its appearance and for small cracks to appear every now and then.
A first orientation when choosing the type of wood is the durability class. The durability class (according to DIN) indicates how long the type of wood lasts when used outdoors. There are big differences here. Teak and cumaru, for example, fall into class 1, which means that you can expect a service life of around 25 years. Native woods don't last that long. For example, larch falls into durability class 3, which corresponds to a lifespan of 10-15 years.
The constructive logsz, in addition to the resistance class, makes a decisive contribution to the lifespan of the terrace. The construction of a terrace should be guided by two goals: the wood must be properly screwed together to avoid warping of the planks and the terrace should be well ventilated with air so that the wood can always dry well. This means that the screwing distance of the floorboards must not be more than 50cm and the ends of the floorboards should not hang in the air without being screwed. In addition, attention should be paid to a sensible construction height and the necessary joint spacing as well as sufficient distance to fixed structures. Be careful with facings: when facing terrace sides, care must be taken to ensure that there is enough air to circulate under the terrace.
The lifespan also depends on the regional Climate & Environment and the intensity of the weathering. If the terrace is completely exposed to the weather in rainy, damp areas, it is - easy to understand - much more stressed than in drier regions or when it is covered.
The way food is usage intensity plays a role in the lifespan of the terrace. A high level of stress on the terrace, for example for commercial use, contributes to a significantly faster wear of the wood than when used in a private garden.
All of the factors mentioned play a role in the lifespan of a terrace. The years of service life mentioned are therefore a guide value.
Find out more about the durability of a wooden terrace in our decking advice:
Wooden decking durabilityUnder certain conditions, a wooden terrace does not require particularly high maintenance. Unless, for example, you want to keep the color of the wood for as long as possible. Then you should oil twice a year. Or the position of the terrace means that it is particularly dirty after the winter months. Then it should be cleaned with a patio cleaner.
Care for CleanWood is a natural product. The occurrence of its natural properties and characteristics cannot always be determined even with the most careful sorting. The "Premium" classification with an A and B side also includes the following wood-typical properties and does not represent an error. The properties have no negative impact on the quality of the goods.
interlocked grain: the growth characteristics of tropical wood ensure a dynamic structure and can sometimes cause the wood fibers to stand up - because the direction of growth changes. Especially with the wood species Cumaru. By sanding down the affected areas, the rough surfaces become smooth again.
Coloring: The wood color within a wood species can vary greatly. It often depends on the nutrients in the soil. We try to give the best possible impression of the wood colors of the individual types of wood by sending out samples and our customer gallery. However, a single sample cannot be fully representative of a wood species. Decking boards do not all look the same.
Swelling and shrinking behavior: Wood expands and contracts. Depending on the weather and the associated temperature and humidity. The dimensions given correspond to the condition after processing in the sawmill. This was preceded by three months of drying in closed drying rooms at a constant temperature. The so-called chamber drying ensures that the swelling and shrinking behavior remains manageable: approx. +/- 3mm depending on the type of wood. Planning a terrace with millimeter precision therefore makes no sense. Warping can also occur during transport or on-site storage. In most cases this is not a problem. Wood is not an industrial product.
bleed out: Substances may escape from the wood – depending on the type of wood. With the types of wood we offer, this phenomenon only occurs in very rare cases.
odor: Odors are perceived very differently. The wood smell of Cumaru, for example, is described by some people as extremely strong, while others are happy about the pleasant “vanilla scent” of the same wood from the same batch. It is undisputed that most types of wood give off an odour. How strong this is also depends on the local conditions: how often it rains and how quickly the terrace dries up. But what you can rely on: sooner or later the smell of the wood will decrease. The wood initially gives off an odor but cannot be ruled out.
Rough spots, structure: The structure of individual types of wood can be described well. Cumaru is a bit more dynamic and robust, Garapa has a homogeneous structure and teak is supple and changes color between light and dark. However, the planks of one type of wood can look very different. Wood grains can also stand up after a while. These are not planing errors, but a wood-typical property - for example in the wood species Cumaru. However, these rough spots can easily be sanded down with sandpaper or run off with use. Structural features of the wood species do not always appear equally on every plank. A single plank is always just a section of the whole tree.
knots: Trees have branches and you can see that in the wood. In the "Premium" sorting, there should be no continuous knotholes. "Premium" does not exclude the visibility - even if only to a small extent - of knots.
mold and fungus growth: One of the unique selling points of tropical woods is that they are particularly resistant to pests, mold and fungal attack. This means: tropical wood rots and molds much less quickly than domestic types of wood. That is why it is preferably used outdoors. However, this does not mean that mold and fungal infestation are impossible with tropical woods. Depending on the region and environment, algae, fungi and stains can occur on site for a variety of reasons. In the vast majority of cases, these problems can be remedied with a patio cleaner, impregnation or by sanding.
Pin holes, shot holes: Small holes in the floorboards can occur. So-called pinholes are tolerable up to a certain degree according to the DIN standard 4074 on the admissibility of wormholes. The decisive factor here is that it is not a current worm infestation. These holes come from the ambrosia beetle, which is one of the freshwood insects. An acute existing infestation in seasoned wood is excluded and does not affect the strength properties or durability of the wood.
Warping and crooked floorboards: Wood is a natural product and can warp due to swelling and shrinkage. The denser a type of wood is, the more likely it is to warp. The risk of warping is relatively high for most tropical woods when not screwed together. This means that even if the boards leave the Betterwood warehouse straight, one or two boards may arrive with a bend. Regardless of this, boards over three meters long are never 100% straight. But none of this is a problem when building a terrace: slight bends can be compensated for by pressing the board in when screwing (if necessary with tensioning straps to pull the board in question towards the previous one). Most bends are therefore tolerable and cannot be ruled out. If the bend is more than 1cm per linear meter, please contact us.
cracking: With a natural product such as wood, the weather – wet, cold and dry – can cause tension in the material, which causes cracks to appear. Cracks at the ends of the planks and hairline cracks on the surface are typical of wood. The risk of end cracks can be reduced with front edge wax. Surface tension can be reduced by oiling the floorboards. Even over the course of a service life of up to 25 years for the decking boards outdoors, it is unavoidable that cracks appear in the boards.
machinability: Tropical woods have a higher wood density than native woods. Hardwood saw blades are recommended for clean cuts. Visible screws in the floorboards should be pre-drilled. Screw connections in the substructure should also be pre-drilled.
Splint: The trunks of all trees contain sapwood. The proportion depends on the species, age and growth conditions. In most species it is a 3 to 5 cm wide mantle of light colored wood that encloses the heartwood. It is particularly sensitive to fungal and insect infestation when it is moist. Premium grade decking boards can also contain sapwood. However, it should not be higher than 5% on the A side.
In order to reduce the risk of warping of decking wood, the unprocessed wood is dried. Before the logs are further processed in the sawmill, they are stored in drying halls at a constant, warm temperature for around three months, depending on the type of wood. The wood that is technically dried in this way is processed and has a residual moisture content of approx. 14% (+/- 2%). This corresponds to the moisture content of wood outdoors in our latitudes. This means that the pressure on the decking to adapt to the European climate is not as great and the risk of warping is therefore lower.
No. Betterwood decking boards are planed smooth on all sides. This is completely sufficient for most requirements. However, we offer to sand the top of the decking boards.
no All decking wood is untreated. The wood should only be oiled when the terrace is finished, the wooden tiles or elements are laid out and the teak panels are installed. Oiling is the last step.
Wood care productsWith decking made of wood that is three, four, five or six meters long, it is not possible to guarantee that it will always be 100% straight. There are differences between the types of wood: Teak hardly tends to warp, most other types of wood more or less depending on the density of the wood. This is generally not a problem when building terraces: slight curvatures can be compensated for by pressing the board together when screwing (if necessary with tensioning straps, with which the board in question is pulled against the previous one). Most curvatures are therefore tolerable and cannot be ruled out. If the average curvature of the entire plank is more than 1,5 percent, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Wood lives and works. It emits moisture and absorbs moisture. Therefore, semi-finished wood products such as decking boards are subject to certain dimensional tolerances. The specified width and thickness indicate production dimensions. If the wood moisture content changes due to changing weather conditions, the wood expands or contracts. It can deform, twist or bend.
The following also applies: The specified lengths are minimum lengths. The planks can therefore be a few centimeters longer than stated in the product description. The background is: Sometimes there are end cracks at the ends of the planks. Due to the slight excess length, there is always the option of cutting the planks to length without loss of size.
The teak panels have a dimensional accuracy in thickness, width and length of +/- 2mm.
In principle, any wood can splinter. However, the risk is distributed very differently for the individual types of wood used outdoors. Teak wood undoubtedly has the lowest risk of splintering. Cumaru is somewhat more prone to splintering due to the interlocking grain and the extremely high wood density. In the case of Cumaru, however, wood fibers that can stand up are among the wood-typical properties. They either fall off over time because the terrace is walked on, or they can be easily removed by superficial sanding.
Yellow, red, brown - there are very different descriptions of the wood color of Cumaru. However, it is always a botanical tree species: Cumaru. The wood color of the Cumaru tree is created by the nutrients present in the soil. Decking boards that come from one region are therefore more similar in terms of wood color. In other regions, a different color can arise. However, Cumaru from the same region is often very different in color. Even the boards from one tree trunk can have different shades. Betterwood sources Cumaru from one region, but we do not sort by color. You can get a good impression of the color spectrum of our Cumaru decking boards in our customer gallery:
customer gallerymy delivery
A delivery time of approximately 5-7 working days applies to all wood deliveries. Accessories and very short wood can be sent with parcel services. The delivery time here is 1-3 working days. In the case of production goods, the delivery time is extended accordingly. There is no delivery on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays. If, exceptionally, an article is not in stock or cannot be delivered immediately and the delivery time is extended accordingly, this will be pointed out separately in our order confirmation. All specified delivery dates are subject to punctual and proper delivery by our logistics partners.
The delivery time for stock items is approx. two to three weeks. In the case of production goods, the delivery time is extended accordingly. There is no delivery on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays. If, exceptionally, an article is not in stock or cannot be delivered immediately and the delivery time is extended accordingly, this will be pointed out separately in our order confirmation. All specified delivery dates are subject to punctual and proper delivery by our logistics partners.
Accessories and small goods are sent with parcel delivery services. You will receive a shipment tracking from the deliverer by email. Here you can view delivery times and change the delivery.
Decking wood is delivered on pallets by freight forwarders. The forwarding agent will contact you at least one day before delivery in order to plan the delivery with you. You may have to reserve a day for this. In some cases, the delivery period can be limited to a few hours. When placing an order, we can also arrange a day as a desired date with you. Then you will be informed about the delivery by the driver about one hour before delivery on the day of delivery.
Delivery is usually by truck (7,5t box truck - length: 8 m / width 3,10 m / height 3,45 m). Unloading takes place at the public curb closest to the delivery address. Unless something else is expressly agreed. Please note that delivery may not be possible due to the following factors or only with the goodwill of the driver:
- The delivery address is on a street or can only be reached via a street designated as a restricted traffic area and/or
- The delivery address is on a street or can only be reached via a street where vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of 7,5 tons are prohibited and/or
- The delivery address is on a street or can only be reached via a street narrower than 3,25 meters or at a place to be passed at the time of delivery due to obstacles such as parked vehicles or a construction site is restricted to a passage width of less than 3,25 meters, and/or
- The delivery address is in a cul-de-sac with no turning possibility.
If one of the special features mentioned applies to the desired delivery address or if you are unsure about this, please contact our customer service by phone or email before placing an order to clarify whether and to what location delivery can then take place .
- Presence: Please also note that it is necessary for you to be personally present at the delivery address when the goods are delivered by the forwarding agent. On the one hand, because you have to confirm the delivery of the goods in writing. On the other hand, the unloading of the goods requires your help in some cases in that you support the employee of the forwarding agency with the unloading of the goods from the truck to the curb with physical assistance.
- You must therefore be physically able to lift a weight of up to 30 kilograms.
- Finally, it should be noted that no specific desired time for delivery can be agreed.
Our customer service or the shipping company will contact you by phone in good time before delivery to set the delivery date (time window) on working days (excluding public holidays). Your presence at the delivery address is required throughout the time slot.
Unfortunately, boards longer than 2,5 meters cannot be unloaded using a lifting platform. Here the unloading is done by the recipient with the help of the driver. It would therefore be necessary for an unloading aid to be on site for the agreed delivery. You, or the unloading helper on your side, must therefore be physically able to lift a weight of up to 30 kilograms.
Please note that the packaging materials are included in the scope of delivery and must therefore be accepted by you as the recipient. The pallet and cover foil can then be used to temporarily store the wood.
Complete terraces with floorboards and substructure are packed on pallets for safe transport and delivered by freight forwarders. The goods are too long and too heavy for parcel deliverers. Freight forwarders are less flexible in delivery than parcel couriers. A period in the morning or afternoon can often be scheduled for delivery. This is not always possible and you should reserve one day for delivery.
Unfortunately, planks with a length of more than 2,5 meters cannot be unloaded onto the pallets using a lifting platform. Here the unloading is done by the recipient with the help of the driver. It would therefore be necessary for an unloading aid to be on site for the agreed delivery. You, or the unloading helper on your side, must therefore be physically able to lift a weight of up to 30 kilograms.
Accessories, cutting boards and small quantities are sent with parcel delivery services and are usually with you within 1-3 working days.
Smaller quantities of wooden tiles can be sent with parcel services. For larger orders, they will be packed on a pallet and delivered with freight forwarders.
For the delivery of teak panels, a larger quantity of wooden tiles or terrace wood, an appointment for the delivery between you and the forwarding agent is necessary in most cases.
It is therefore important that when you place your order you give us a telephone number that you can be reached reliably during the day and whose answering machine you regularly check.
The same applies to the e-mail address: Please always enter an e-mail address that you check regularly. Please also check your SPAM folder. If the freight forwarder has to drive to you a second time because you could not be reached, we unfortunately have to charge for a second drive.
Smaller orders, such as accessories or short floorboards, can be sent with parcel delivery services. Here you will be informed by e-mail about the delivery. In this case, you do not necessarily have to be on site for the delivery.
The delivery of a complete terrace with a forwarding agent involves some effort. It is therefore important that you, or someone else you appoint, is present when the delivery is made. Otherwise, a second delivery must be planned, which we then have to invoice additionally.
A delivery with the parcel service usually takes 1-3 working days. You will receive an email with tracking information. If your delivery has not arrived and you have not received an e-mail - please also check your SPAM folder - please contact us.
Delivery with the forwarding agent usually takes 5-7 working days from the time the order is placed (up to 10 working days in spring and summer), provided the goods are in stock and no other delivery times were specified when ordering, or a later date for delivery was agreed with you was agreed.
After the goods have been packed, they are handed over to the forwarding agent. In the case of a delivery with the forwarding agent, you will be contacted by telephone in advance about an appointment for the delivery. It is therefore very important that you provide a telephone number where you can be reliably reached during the day or where you can check your answering machine regularly.
If you have not been contacted within the delivery period from the time the order was placed, please contact us.
If you do not assemble the goods immediately after delivery, please note the following when storing:
- Store the decking boards horizontally. This is the most compact way to store the decking wood to minimize the risk of warping.
- Make sure there are enough support points for the decking boards so that the stacked decking wood is well ventilated.
- Avoid exposed ends of decking boards. When the planks are stacked together, the ends don't hang loose and don't twist as easily.
- Store decking boards tied, dry and well ventilated. This reduces the risk of default.
- Store outdoor wood outside or in unheated, well-ventilated spaces and shelters such as a carport, garage or porch.
- Never cover terrace wood with foils - this can cause moisture, which means that there is a considerable risk of warping with unscrewed planks.
If the floorboards are slightly warped despite all the measures, they can still be installed in most cases.
Returns, exchanges and complaints
A defect must be documented so that we can open a case to find a solution. So that we can understand what is going on, it is best if the defect is clearly documented with a photo. Contact us by phone or email. Possible defects can be:
- my order in incomplete
- my order is incorrect
- I don't want the goods: no defects, goods ordered by mistake, if the goods are not to your liking, the customer pays the shipping costs. We can organize or help organize shipping.
- typical wood properties are not defects.
Wood is a natural product. The occurrence of its natural properties and characteristics is therefore not excluded even with the most careful sorting. The "Premium" classification with an A and B side also includes the following typical wood properties and does not represent any errors. The properties have no negative impact on the quality of the goods.
interlocked grain: The growth characteristics of tropical wood ensure a dynamic structure and can sometimes cause the wood fibers to stand up - because the direction of growth changes. Especially with the wood species Cumaru. By sanding down the affected areas, the rough surfaces become smooth again.
Coloring: The wood color within a wood species can vary greatly. It often depends on the nutrients in the soil. We try to give the best possible impression of the wood colors of the individual types of wood by sending out samples and our customer gallery. However, a single sample cannot be fully representative of a wood species. Decking boards do not all look the same.
Swelling and shrinking behavior: Wood expands and contracts. Depending on the weather and the associated temperature and humidity. The dimensions given correspond to the condition after processing in the sawmill. This was preceded by three months of drying in closed drying rooms at a constant temperature. The so-called chamber drying ensures that the swelling and shrinking behavior remains manageable: approx. +/- 3mm depending on the type of wood. Planning a terrace with millimeter precision therefore makes no sense. Warping can also occur during transport or on-site storage. In most cases this is not a problem. Wood is not an industrial product.
Bleed out: Substances may escape from the wood – depending on the type of wood. With the types of wood we offer, this phenomenon only occurs in very rare cases.
Odor: Smells are perceived very differently. The wood smell of Cumaru, for example, is described by some people as extremely strong, while others are happy about the pleasant “vanilla scent” of the same wood from the same batch. It is undisputed that most types of wood give off an odour. How strong this is also depends on the local conditions: how often it rains and how quickly the terrace dries up. But what you can rely on: sooner or later the smell of the wood will decrease. The wood initially gives off an odor but cannot be ruled out.
Rough spots, structure: The structure of individual types of wood can be described well. Cumaru is a little more dynamic and robust, Garapa has a homogeneous structure and teak is supple and changes in color between light and dark. However, the planks of one type of wood can look very different. Wood grains can also stand up after a while. These are not planing errors, but a wood-typical property - for example in the wood species Cumaru. However, these rough spots can easily be sanded down with sandpaper or run off with use.
Structural features of the wood species do not always appear equally on every plank. A single plank is always just a section of the whole tree.
knots: Trees have branches and you can see that in the wood. In the "Premium" sorting, there should be no continuous knotholes. "Premium" does not exclude the visibility - even if only to a small extent - of knots.
Mold and fungus formation: One of the unique selling points of tropical woods is that they are particularly resistant to pests, mold and fungal attack. This means: tropical wood rots and molds much less quickly than domestic types of wood. That is why it is preferably used outdoors. However, this does not mean that mold and fungal infestation are impossible with tropical woods. Depending on the region and environment, algae, fungi and stains can occur on site for a variety of reasons. In the vast majority of cases, these problems can be remedied with a patio cleaner, impregnation or by sanding.
Pin holes, shot holes: Small holes in the floorboards can occur. So-called pinholes are tolerable up to a certain degree according to the DIN standard 4074 on the admissibility of wormholes. The decisive factor here is that it is not a current worm infestation. These holes come from the ambrosia beetle, which is one of the freshwood insects. An acute existing infestation in seasoned wood is excluded and does not affect the strength properties or durability of the wood.
Warping and crooked floorboards: Wood is a natural product and can warp due to swelling and shrinkage. The denser a type of wood is, the more likely it is to warp. The risk of warping is relatively high for most tropical woods when they are not screwed together. This means that even if the boards leave the Betterwood warehouse straight, one or two boards may arrive with a bend. Regardless of this, boards over three meters long are never 100% straight. But none of this is a problem when building a terrace: slight bends can be compensated for by pressing the board in when screwing (if necessary, using tensioning straps to pull the board in question closer to the previous one). Most bends are tolerable and cannot be ruled out. If the average bend of a terrace board is more than 1,5% over its entire length, please contact us.
cracking: With a natural product such as wood, weathering – wet, dry, cold and heat – can cause tension in the material, causing cracks to appear. Cracks at the ends of the planks and hairline cracks on the surface are typical of wood. The risk of end cracks can be reduced with front edge wax. Surface tension can be reduced by oiling the floorboards. Even over the course of up to 25 years of service life for the decking boards outdoors, it is unavoidable that cracks appear in the boards.
Machinability: Tropical woods have a higher wood density than native woods. Hardwood saw blades are recommended for clean cuts. Visible screws in the floorboards should be pre-drilled. Screw connections in the substructure should also be pre-drilled.
cotter pin: The trunks of all trees contain sapwood. The proportion depends on the species, age and growth conditions. In most species it is a 3 to 5 cm wide mantle of light colored wood that encloses the heartwood. It is particularly sensitive to fungal and insect infestation when it is moist. Premium grade decking boards can also contain sapwood. However, it should not be higher than 5% on the A side.
Cut pieces, such as floorboards and custom-made items such as our elements and teak panels, cannot be exchanged. It is therefore important that you carefully check all information in the offer and order confirmation.
Floorboards that have too much curvature can be exchanged under certain conditions: If the average curvature of the entire floorboard is more than 1,5 percent, please contact us and we will find a solution. However, the following applies: even the premium sorting can contain planks that are not XNUMX% straight. From a certain plank length it is hardly possible to get straight planks. This is wood and it is one of the typical properties of wood that temperature fluctuations can cause warping. For this reason, dimensional accuracy down to the millimeter cannot be guaranteed: wood swells and shrinks depending on the humidity.
You can cancel and return the order within 30 days of receiving the goods. An extended return period of 100 days applies to cutting boards and knives.
Returning items from the cutting board and knife category is free of charge within the 100-day return period. Returning all other items will incur the shipping costs calculated when ordering.
Of course, the statutory warranty period of two years from receipt of the goods applies to all items.